I'm including posts here from my personal journey, stuff that needs to be posted here so that you can see the journey I've come through.
November 8, 2011
I haven’t journaled in a long time. I’ve been scared to face reality and what’s
really going on inside me. I have been
going through a major spiritual shift, and it’s nowhere near over. It’s only just begun. I have been numb spiritually, mentally,
emotionally and physically for a long time.
Years really. It all started when
I was in 2nd grade, around 7 years old. I have slowly been shutting down since then,
and now I’m at a point I actually feel like I’m dying, and I’m desperate for an
awakening, a healing, a new life where I
can fully live and be the person I was meant to be from the beginning;
pain-free, happy, at peace, centered, joyful, full of love, and goodness. I have been using a painkiller called food –
namely sugar. Now I’m addicted. I’ve tried multiple times to quit and I just
can’t get off it. I want to be
clean. I want to be made whole. I want to be restored. The years that the hurt, pain, and fear have
eaten, I want them to be given back to me.
Hierarchy of needs:
Intellectual fulfillment
Spiritual fulfillment
Positive Aspects of Me: cared for by God, determined, have a
good heart, sweet and lovable, enjoy pleasing others, believe I can re-invent
myself, I have a purpose, and I have a reason to be happy
Negative Aspects of Me:
fearful, distrusting, insecure, feel used, hopeless, disillusioned,
***It’s not about what happens in your life; it’s about how
you internalize it.***
I’m really proud of myself.
I haven’t had any refined sugar desserts or drinks for two days
now. I’m sleeping better and waking up
feeling better. The arthiritis-feeling
in my feet is gone. I’m thinking a
little clearer, and that dark cloomy cloud is now in the distance instead of
enveloping me. I was really discouraged
to see my weight yesterday- I’ve only weighed that much when I was
pregnant. But it was another kick in the
bum to get really serious about this. I
need this for ME. I need to feel good for
ME. I need to be happy for ME. BECAUSE I MATTER.
My I AM’S:
I matter. I am
special. I am important. I have value.
I am talented. I am
courageous. I am strong. I am resilient. I am creative. I am sweet.
I am smart. I am lovable. I am loving.
I am infectious. I am
inspiring. I am a leader. I am admired.
I am intuitive. I am
watchful. I am cautious. I am trusting. I am trustworthy. I am an amazing mom. I am a good cookie-maker. I am clean.
I am tidy. I am organized. I am constantly growing. I love to learn. I am compassionate. I am empathetic. I am an encouragement. I am observant. I am passionate. I am a good lover. I am loyal.
I am honest. I am moral. I am spiritual. I am supportive. I am warm.
I am tender. I am
hospitable. I am capable. I am nurturing. I am understanding. I am functional. I am capable of living my fullest
What do I REALLY want???
…A peaceful life with my boys, financial stability, health, energy, and
the ability to help others. That would
make me the happiest, most content woman I could possibly be.
My Dream Life Script:
I love my life. I’m
so blessed. I look in the mirror and
smile at the strong, confident woman I am.
I am a picture of health and energy.
I know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I love sharing my life with my
companion. He’s my best friend, my
confidante, my love, a great father and role model to our children. Thank you, Jesus, for giving me such a
beautiful gift. I love my job. I’m so fulfilled helping others in need. I know what it’s like to be lonely, in pain,
desperate for a way out. Thank you,
Jesus, for giving me a job where I can serve others and take care of my family
doing so. What will I explore
today? What new life experience will I
have to collect with my other beautiful life experiences? If I die today, I will have no regrets. I know I have done well. My house is filled with dance, music,
laughter, and love. There is nothing to
be ashamed of here. I live in complete
freedom- nobody chains me down with their own selfish expectations and negative
agendas. My boys have developed for
themselves a strong, independent, courageous, caring, giving, secure
disposition. And I am proud, SO
proud. We have enough money to meet our
basic needs, help meet the needs of others, and a savings large enough to meet
any emergency. We owe no man
anything. I am free in every area of my
January 16, 2012
There is nothing left in my heart for Francisco. I am in mourning today. In the past, I always had hope things would
get better because I was still attracted to him. Now that is gone, and there is nothing
there. That grieves me because he’s
finally doing things right and treating me better. But the heart does what it does. I can’t force myself to love him. I guess 3 years of misery and abuse was my
breaking point. I dread telling
him. I know it will break his
heart. But he needs to understand why
I’m so guarded. I just want to cry.
January 19, 2012
My health goals:
Clean body odor
Regular eliminations
Clear skin
free of toxins, fungi and accumulated waste
Improved eyesight
Improved hearing
No back, neck or joint pain
A sharp, clear mind
High energy levels
High, pure vibrations
Free of blood clotting disorder
Pain-free menstrual cycles
No more cravings for processed or unhealthy
A picture of vibrant health
A role model for my children
An inspiration to others
If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream
it, you can become it.
February 8, 2012
I kicked my self-defeating, self-hating, perfectionistic,
criticizing demon to the curb last night.
It’s been tripping me up and crippling me for years. Everything I want to be is nothing but love
and peace. That means there’s no more
room for self-hate and perfectionism. NO
room at all. It had to go. J
February 9, 2012
All my life I have only wanted one thing- to love and be
equally loved in return. Everything I
did revolved around this one driving desire.
My eagerness to please, my “eggshell” feelings, my lashing out at those
who hurt me, my quick, irrational decisions to give myself away, the guilt I
have carried, the self-hate… it all
stems from this one desire.
I think this is why I resent Cisco so much. I gave him every part of me and he threw it
back in my face. I can never forget how
deeply that hurt ran in my spirit. But I
must learn to give myself what I crave from others- unconditional, steady,
devoted love. Perhaps then my shadows
and haunting darkness will flee.
March 1, 2012
Had a meltdown Sunday.
Didn’t want to come home. Sat night
I had stayed at Cindy’s house. So I had
a long talk with Pastor. He gave me some
excellent advice- Never make a major decision during an emotional moment. I must be clear in my conscious at all times,
and if an ultimatum comes, make the decision then. Don’t hesitate. During the conversation, I realized I had
been punishing my husband for hurting me so much. I didn’t want to get hurt again. So I had built a wall to protect myself and
hold him at arm’s length. That’s not
what a Christian does. A Christian loves
and forgives. It also uses wisdom and
doesn’t allow abuse to dwell in its life.
So I apologized to Cisco for punishing him. He apologized, too. Things have been peaceful for the last 3
days. He still drives me crazy, but I
just love, forgive and let go.
March 7, 2012
I discovered yesterday that my root and scaral chakras are
very broken, which results in all the negative side-effects I’ve been
battling. It boils down to a rejection
of my body because I believe it is inadequate, not good enough, and I have a
constant sense of not belonging anywhere.
I can clearly see how these two core issues stem back to my childhood-
the verbal abuse from Mrs. Van Arnum and Mr. Archer, being overweight, hand-me-down
clothes, deafness, not fitting in… I
have been living a repressed life, separating my spirit from my body because I
believed one was good and the other not.
All the compliments and attention I hand over to my spirit and
heart. If someone compliments my outward
appearance, I always feel like they do it out of pity. No more!!!
I’m going to break that mindset, with God’s help. Pastor says that GOD sees me as valuable, HE
says I’m worthy. I need to see myself
the same way. I am valuable. I am worthy.
I am beautiful. Change my mind
and heal me, Jesus.
March 12, 2012
Last night I discovered The Secret. It is clearly what’s been missing in my
life. I have focused on my loneliness
instead of rejoicing in the freedom that comes with singlehood. I have focused on how fat I am and how genetic
it is, instead of looking at Julie and other skinny cousins, realizing I can be
any size I want to be. I have focused on
my husband’s failures instead of his strengths.
I have focused on how much debt I have instead of how much potential I
have to make excellent money because of my talents and intelligence. The world is limitless. God is limitless. I am limitless. There is no reason I cannot be everything I
long to be- rich, successful, beautiful, loving and loved. I realize now I just need to fall in love
with myself, and raise myself to be all I can be. I am already am. I LOVE ME!!!
(just saying that brought peace and joy instantly…)
My study on Sugar:
Sugar can decrease growth hormone (the key to
staying youthful and lean)
Sugar feeds cancer
Sugar increases cholesterol
Sugar can weaken
Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased
activity in children
Sugar can interfere with the absorption of
Sugar causes food allergies
Sugar contributes to diabetes
Sugar can contribute to eczema in children
Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease
Sugar can impair the structure of DNA
Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety,
difficult concentrating, and crankiness in children
Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense
against bacterial infection (infectious diseases)
Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of
Candida Albicans (yeast infections)
Sugar contributes to osteoporosis
Moment that Turns Your Values Upside Down
Quantum Shift:
Men Women
of Money Family
of Adventure Sense
of Independence (conflicts w 1st one)
Achievement Career
of Pleasure Fitting
Be Respected Attractiveness
Quantum Shift:
Men Women
Spirituality My
Own Personal Growth (complete opposite)
Peace Sense
of Self-Esteem
Family Spirituality
Will Happiness
with Others and Self Forgiveness
open doors, allow yourself to live the four virtues: Reverence for all of life
(Respect), Sincerity (Honesty), Gentleness (Kindness), and Supportiveness
(Service to Others).
don’t attract what you want. You attract
who you are.
The Shift by Wayne Dyer
13, 2012
have been living in a state of awareness for two months now, since I discovered
The Secret. So much Truth, Light and
Love has been revealed to me since I started practicing and living the Secret,
the Magic, and the Power (the laws of Attraction, Gratitude, and Love). I have shed my old inner self nearly
completely (Francisco still has ways of pulling the worst out in me, which I’m
constantly addressing and adjusting).
Now I feel 100% ready to let my outer shell go. I am no longer afraid of the after-effects. I am no longer afraid of failure. It’s simply time my body aligns with my
spirit-happy, peaceful, healthy, whole and free. When I am in full alignment, the Universe
will acknowledge it, and download blessings in every area and on every level of
my life. I trust the Universe
totally. I am finally free to be me.
8, 2012
am exhausted, utterly, entirely worn out.
I have been fighting against and running away from the most deepest,
innermost hurts of my heart for so long now, and I’ve come to the end of my
road. This path of hurt has come to a
dead-end. There is nothing but open
fields before me, regal mountains rising on both sides. Wildflowers as far as the eye can see, every
color of the rainbow. I turn my back to
this magnificent beauty and face the road I’ve well-traveled, reminiscing over
all the battles won, demons faced, resentments released, forgiveness
bestowed. The Hurt (big one) was finally
confronted in its face two days ago.
I’ve spent the last two days in mourning, it was such a painful wound to
minister to, much less acknowledge. But
I did, and I’m healed now. I can now
start up a new road, forge a new, fresh path.
I think there will always be a scar there. A raw wound of 28 years doesn’t disappear
overnight. Or ever. But I have acknowledged it, stitched it up
with forgiveness, rubbed the ointment of love into it, and walked away
TALL. I know now my truth.
used to beat myself down. Now I
encourage and lift myself up.
used to feel worthless. Now I feel
used to expect perfection from myself and others. Now I accept, and laugh at, our humanity.
used to binge mindlessly, numb to my feelings.
Now I eat for the joy of it, and respect my body when it hits the full
used to compare myself to others and hate my differences. Now I compare myself and celebrate our
used to think I could do nothing right.
Now I know I don’t have to do everything right- I just need to accept my
used to feel unlovable. Now I know I am
used to think I wasn’t capable of achieving my dreams. Now I know I can do ALL things through Christ
who strengthens me.
June 16, 2012
Here it is half the year through, and I still haven’t lost
weight. I have been my own worst enemy
in this field. People think I don’t have
any self-control, which royally pisses me off.
I want to prove them wrong, but I haven’t known how to overcome my own
personal hurdles. I’ve come a long ways
in healing inwardly, recognizing my own value and worth, and learning to stand
up for myself. But I’m still so very far
away from all my dreams and goals, and I’m beyond frustrated. I’m kicking my own arse into gear out of
anger and determination to get the life I know I want and deserve to have. I am beautiful, I am worthy, and I WILL
achieve my dream life. I WILL live on
purpose and meaningfully.
I will no longer waffle and dither about losing weight and
sticking to a diet. I will no longer put
off my own health and happiness. I will
no longer cave to the pressures of society to eat and “blend in”. I will eat/drink my way to true happiness,
and I will be proud of myself, no matter how much I stand out. I will no longer allow sugar to ruin my
spirit by causing pain in my body. I am
in control of my own self and I will no longer tolerate abuse of any sort. I am worthy, I am loved, I love myself, and I
am beautiful. I WILL live meaningfully
and on purpose.
All the images in my dream life gallery can only be enjoyed
or obtained by being healthy and fit.
The Steinway deserves a beautiful, graceful pianist. The Second Chance Retreat demands a leader
who is in control of her own life and a prime example for others to
follow. To be in a relationship with
Lillian would require me to be on her level spiritually, physically and
emotionally. To be an integral part of a
community would require a healthy self-esteem and peace with myself. To be a dancer would require strength,
fortitude, health and self-control. To
have my dream home, cars, horses and money, I must prove to the Universe that I
am capable of being responsible, disciplined, and balanced enough to have those
blessings in my life. To have best
friends that lift me up the same way I lift them up, I must be worthy first. To be in a meaningful, loving, supportive,
healthy, romantic relationship, I must first love myself. To go to Italy, Bora Bora, Bali or India, I
must be able to fit in an airplane seat, wear a bathing suit, walk tall and
have the stamina, strength, health and energy to enjoy the journey. It all points back to my health. I MUST CONQUER HEALTH BEFORE I CAN ACHIEVE MY
DREAM LIFE. It is the first crucial
So today I start. I
will no longer put it off. I have
already had sugar today, but I cannot change that. I can control what I eat tonight. I can control what I eat tomorrow. I can control the mindset I have RIGHT
NOW. And I choose health now. I choose life now. I choose peace now. I choose God and I choose Me.
2:30 am
Woke up with the worst burning in my throat, like my dinner
was eating the inside of me up, acid reflux maybe. I drank some water, ate some tums, drank some
milk, nothing was working. So I gagged
myself to get it out of my stomach. It
was horrible. I hate gagging
myself. I ate some more tums and brushed
my teeth. I feel slightly better. It was either the hamburger or the bedtime
wine, or a combo of both. Not sure. Whatever it is, I know this happens to me
frequently. Especially when I eat late
at night. Just another reason to start
eating healthy and doing my body right.
June 18th
Feel and act like a bitch today. Not being very nice. Drank some green juice for breakfast, a
scrambled egg for dinner for energy to play at church, and lemon juice the rest
of the day. Had a killer headache and
knot in my back when I went to bed. Took
3 pain pills for it.
June 19th
Didn’t eat anything today, just salt water and lemon
juice. Pain levels very high. Major headache. It will blow over, I know. Took a hot bath. Saw a 700 lb woman on Dr. Phil’s show. HUGE incentive to stick to my plan!!!
June 27th
I have been on the lemon juice diet for 1.5 weeks off and
on. Some days I do real good on it. Other days I eat. The good part in all this is that I’m in
control when I do eat. I don’t go crazy,
on a binge, eating everything I see.
That’s the good positive change.
I do wish I could stick to the lemon juice diet 100% because the weight
would come off so much faster. I wish I
could figure out a way to do that….
June 28th
Yesterday I binged.
Funny how I wrote about not doing it, minutes before doing it. Didn’t realize it until after 8 cookies and 4
handfuls of chips, baked or not, they were still processed and loaded with
artificialness. I put some serious
thought into WHY I did that. I wanted to
get to the bottom of my reason behind binging.
I realized I was trying to comfort myself. Something really bothered me yesterday, along
with being in a lot of back and neck pain (enough to make me cry)… and I dove
into a movie and processed food. That’s
my habit. I see it now. So now I need to find something else to turn
to for comfort. In the middle of that
thinking process last night, I remembered something Jethro told me last
October. “Dance will be your ticket to
freedom”. And it resonated deep within
me. I knew it to be true. Dance is my alternative for comfort and
joy. So I’m going to transform my living
room into a dance studio and dance my heart out everyday and anytime I’m
needing comfort. Watch out… This catapillar is fixing to break free of
her cocoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 10th, 2012
I took my first energy pill the doctor prescribed to help me
lose weight. Holy moly! I hadn’t felt that good since I was out of
high school, in love with life and love and endless opportunities! I felt so ALIVE. I got SO MUCH done this morning. Major productive. And I was fun and forgiving and patient with
my sons. Not at all the grouch I’ve been
the past 3 years. I felt like Tammy was
Then Cisco and I get in the car to go on our first date in
months. My energy and joy didn’t last
two minutes. He shot me down so fast and
kept me shot down for the next 3 hours.
I couldn’t wait to get home and lock myself up in the bathroom. Yes I get frustrated with our inability to
communicate, but his anger and hatefulness and rudeness is not a language
problem. It’s a heart problem, and all I
want to do is protect myself from him. I
value me now, and I refuse to let me drag me down to his level anymore. I need help.
July 11, 2012
According to The Power, when I give judgment and criticism,
I give it to myself. When I give love
and appreciation to another person or to anything, I give it to myself. This is the secret to having a loving
relationship with Cisco. Yes he hurts me
often with his words. Yes I get
frustrated with his communication skills.
But if I could stop focusing on that, its power in my life would start
falling away. If I choose to ignore
anything that makes me feel negative and focus on only the things that make me
feel beautiful, good, kind, joyful, and peaceful, it will magnify and draw more
of those things into my life. It’s all
in what I choose to focus on.
Jesus, help me today to focus only on the positive, and
ignore the negative. Help me to longer
give power to that which I hate, but rather to lift up in me what I love- the
fruits of the Spirit, the essence of God.
It is within me. I simply need to
magnify it and it only. Amen.
Things I Love
The Aura music channel
Leather furniture (SO easy to clean!)
Candles, the warmth and ambience they add to a
Cherry red classic Ford convertible mustangs
Lanterns – especially Morrocan lanterns
Green living things
The rosebushes at dad’s church
Fresh live food (like pico de gallo or
Pottery Barn
Lucky Brand and American Eagle
The colors coral, deep red and fresca blue
My baby boys
Road trips with people I love
Wrought iron
Red front doors
Rocking chairs on a front porch
Golden retrievers
Ragdoll kittens
A beautiful pool and the way the sun shimmers
the blue
Mandevilla flower
Snow-capped mountains
A babbling brook
Belly dancers
Baby chicks and ducks
Small friendly towns
A clean house
Horseback riding
Dark chocolate
Giving a massage
Playing happy music at church
A fireplace
An old-timey ice cream shoppe
Being tan
A deep blue sky with white fluffy clouds
A field of red poppies or wildflowers
Maxi dresses
Bora Bora
Mediterranean culture
Vivid sunsets
Full moons
Sun rays piercing through rain clouds
Max Patch
A rainy day snuggled in PJ’s, popcorn, hot
chocolate and games with my favorite people
Getting a pedicure
Ocean otters
Being in love
Long deep hugs and slow wet kisses
A glass of wine
TV Channels So You Think You Can Dance &
Dancing With The Stars
Funny movies
Clean, pure water
July 16, 2012
Last night I saw a woman on Extreme Makeover that reminded
me a lot of ME. She realized that she
escaped her feelings of abandonment and worthlessness by eating for
comfort. And she had major control
issues. Hmmm….. Sounds so familiar. I’ve learned so much about myself the past
year, but I’m just now getting to the crux of the problem. When I’m faced with a personal challenge, I
run away from it. I don’t take ownership
or control of my own life. I just try to
control everyone else’s. She did the
exact same thing. I hadn’t really seen
that before. I feel like this is my
breakthrough. Taking personal
responsibility for my own happiness will result in peace with myself, with
other, and with God. Now I know what I
need to do.
July 18, 2012
I have been in such avoidance since I saw that tv show 3
nights ago. No dieting at all. Eating when I’m not hungry. Excuse after excuse. Why the heck am I doing this to myself? Why do I keep procrastinating? This has gotten utterly ridiculous, and it
has got to stop. I’m not taking control
of my destiny, and I don’t understand why.
What am I avoiding?
Discomfort? Fear of failure? Fear of confrontation? Those are the most nonsense reasons to NOT
lose weight. I have so much to gain by
losing. Health, energy, no more back pain,
self-esteem, confidence, nice clothes, sleep better, play better, love better,
heck my entire life would transform into joy.
I’m a fool to wait for all that.
What am I not seeing????
July 26th
I have encountered
some new battles that I have had to focus on.
Mainly Francisco and my relationship with him. Coming to a strength within that I’ve never
experienced before. Recognizing my own
worth and standing up for that. For
ME. Last night, he started verbally
beating me down, again, about something that happened a few weeks ago. I instantly recognized it for what it was,
and walked away, said I don’t have to stand here and listen to this. As I walked away, he grabbed my collar. Last time he did that, he ended up physically
hurting me, bad. I turned around, looked
him in the eye, pointed my finger at him, and said don’t you dare even think
about doing that. He made fun of
me. I tried to shut my bathroom door (my
bathroom and bedroom is my only place of escape). He stuck his foot in and the force of it made
the doorjamb pop away from the wall. It
instilled a deeper resolve to get away from him. I wasn’t really scared, but I wasn’t able to
sleep with my back to the door, like I usually do. He apologized this morning, of course, and
even attempted to fix the door. He
acknowledged it wasn’t my fault, which he tried to blame me for last night, and
admitted it was his. But the apologies
aren’t cutting it anymore. I’m tired of
waiting for his behavior to change. I
love me and I love my boys too much to continue living in this type of
environment. Stressful, tense, uneasy,
nervous, on edge, cautious, … it’s no
way to live. How can peace and joy dwell
in all that??? I’m done. DONE.
Sept 10,2012
I have been in much prayer the last two months, focusing on
God’s still small voice. I needed to get
answers BAD. I was so tired of hitting
that brick wall, that blockage within me that kept stopping me from moving
forward. Over the past 2 months, I’ve
gotten a clearer vision of who God created me to be, the essence of Freedom
Dance. At first I felt like she was so
unattainable. But over time, God showed
me that He makes all paths straight, He makes all things possible, and He
CANNOT fail. Then I realized that it
was time for Tammy to die, to be buried, and allow Freedom Dance to burst forth
and live. I created a list last night of
all that embodies who Tammy has been, and a list of all that Freedom Dance
In mourning
Feels worthless
A perfectionist, unable to accept flaws in
myself or others
A binge-eater
Addicted to sugar and processed foods
In constant pain
Always feels like I can do nothing right
I’m always wrong
Not capable of achieving greatness
Not heard
Freedom Dance:
A lover of all things beautiful
A lover of Nature
Is at peace
Loves to find a quiet, still spot
Laughs a lot-joyful
Loves to have a good time
Loves good food with a table surrounded by good
friends and family
A supportive, constant friend
A true host to all who come to her
In awe of God
A stunning mom
A healer with her hands
Strong family values
An amazing pianist
Energetic, full of life
Loves to be in love
Passionately romantic
Celebrates life in every moment, whether it’s
through music, a hug, a massage, cooking, being outdoors, playing with the
children, making love, cleaning house, or dancing, there is ALWAYS a
celebration going on!!! J
Sept 11
Talked to Mom last night.
Shared with her my journal (except for the darkest parts about the
men)… She took it better than I thought
she would. But she still doesn’t accept
me as being right with God. She is in
such a rigid, tight box and she can’t accept anything outside of it. It’s so sad.
But I’ve finally accepted the fact that Mom doesn’t approve of me and
the path to God that I am taking. I know
she loves me in her own limited way, just like Cisco does. But neither relationship serves a purpose for
me anymore. Mom cannot love me because I don’t fit her idea of a
Christian. Francisco cannot love me as a
husband because he is still in need of a mother, not a wife. In my heart, I release my mother and my
husband from any responsibility to/for me.
They are no longer required to meet my need for love or acceptance. I love and accept myself. God loves and accepts me. I have friends who love and accept me. I know I’m ok, and I’m finally free of
blockages. There is no more brick
wall. I am finally Freedom Dance. Now
let’s go burn this journal and bury Tammy for good.